CA storage blue berries
With CA storage, blueberries can be stored for approx. 8-10 weeks.
It is important that the blueberries are carefully harvested at the correct ripeness stage. This prevents mold growth due to damage. When berries are picked under warm conditions, rapid cooling is important and improves storage possibilities.
Blueberries should be harvested at the near-ripe stage because there is no post-harvest post-ripening. A large difference in ripeness of fruits hinders the shelf life of a batch and that must be prevented.
A commonly used method is storage of blueberries at 8-10% CO2, 2-3% oxygen and -0.5°C-0°C. In Germany, blueberries are also stored at approx. 1% O2 and 1% CO2. Blueberries can be stored in pallet bags or in cold stores under the desired CA conditions. Check our Pallistore storage systems!!
Storex is happy to help you find a suitable solution.