These so-called stone fruits have a limited shelf life. The schedule below gives an indication of storage conditions and storage time under these conditions.
Rapid cooling is a requirement for CA storage. The storage time is influenced by variety, uniformity and little damage. Reducing oxygen has a positive effect on hardness retention. Storage at an elevated CO2 level ensures that mold growth is suppressed and contributes to a fresh appearance of the product.
Small batches can be well stored in the Storex CA Palletbag system. The Auto Store CA scheme is expandable to 200-400 covers. Contact Storex for more information
| Temp. | %O2 – %CO2 | Store duration |
Peaches | 0-1°C | RA ( Regular Atm.) | 2-4 weeks |
| 0-1°C | 3-5% CO2 - 1-2% O2 | 3-5 weeks |
Apricots | 0-1°C | RA | 1-2 weeks |
| 0-1°C | 2-3% CO2 - 2-3% O2 | 2-3 weeks |
Plums | 0-1°C | RA | 1-3 weeks |
| 0-1°C | 1-5% CO2 - 1-2% O2 | 2-4 weeks |
Optimal storage conditions for stone fruits
The optimum storage conditions for plums, apricots and peaches depend on the variety, time of harvest, region, soil type, growing conditions, etc. Based on research and practical experience, storage specialists formulate recommendations for the optimum storage conditions for each region. Information about CA conditions for the storage of fruit on this website are only indicative. Consult local CA consultants / research institutes for advice on setting the correct CA conditions for your situation.