CA storage pears
Pears are generally very suitable for storage in gas-tight CA cold stores under controlled oxygen and CO2 conditions. Pears can be stored for up to 12 months under these CA/ULO conditions! Pears remain in good condition at temperatures between 0°C and -1°C, depending on the variety.
For the CA storage of pears, storage regimes are used with both a high (3% O2) and low (1% O2) oxygen content in combination with often a low CO2 content (e.g. 0.7% CO2). This requires extra attention for the required CO2 scrub capacity. A high CO2% during storage can give an increased risk of brown discoloration in the fruit.
An important point of attention is the prevention of 'slack necks' due to dehydration. The time of harvest is important. Fruits harvested immature do not ripen or ripen poorly and are sensitive to moisture loss. Proper operation of the cooling and CA technology is also of great importance. Storex has an extensive product program for the storage of pears in order to optimally take the above aspects into account. Pears produce little ethylene and storage at a low oxygen percentage keeps ethylene production low
Optimal storage conditions for pears
The optimal storage conditions for pears depend on the variety, time of harvest, region, soil type, growing conditions, etc. Based on research and practical experience, storage specialists for each region formulate recommendations for the optimal storage conditions. Information about CA conditions for the storage of fruit on this website are only indicative. Consult local CA consultants / research institutes for advice on setting the correct CA conditions for your situation.